Tributes to a great scientist ,’Bharat Ratna’ Dr. ‪#‎APJAbdulKalam on his remembrance day.

Tributes to a great scientist ,’Bharat Ratna’ Dr. ‪#‎APJAbdulKalam on his remembrance day.

<img class="alignleft size-medium wp-image-964" src="" alt="abdul-kalam-anu ji" srcset=" 300w, 100w, generic 139w, 672w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px” data-recalc-dims=”1″ />Its been a year since our beloved Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam left us & created a void that is irreplaceable. My tributes to this great personality. Dr. ‪APJ Abdul Kalam‬ was a epitome of simplicity,hardwork and Morality. His teachings and vision will continue to inspire generations to come. Remembering a true patriot and a great scientist, ‘Bharat Ratna’ Dr. ‪#‎APJAbdulKalam on his remembrance day.

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